MuSEE.doc - Materia collecta, viva memoria

From heritage inventory to cultural appropriation: museographic and scientific exploitation and enhancement of the Gallo-Roman collections of the RMAH and of the FSIs analytical and documentary resources.
Project FED-tWIN
FED-tWIN is a federal research program of the Federal Public Service Science Policy Programming Service (BELSPO) with the aim of stimulating sustainable cooperation between ten federal science institutions and Belgian Universities through the funding of joint research profiles.
Summary of the project
MuSEE.doc firstly aims the valorisation of the Gallo-Roman archaeological artefacts and related archives of the RMAH, both originating from past excavations, mainly but non exclusively led by the Belgian’s first State Service for Excavation. Based on the results of the National Archaeology Collections Inventory Project, also funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office, the researcher will improve the short and long terms protocols and conditions of conservation and study the collections, by giving them a new scientific identity, by its assessment, by studying and rendering it available for study. The researcher will more specifically develop studies of three types of finds and materials, as important as each other for research purposes (ceramics, lapidary, copper alloys ware) and will participate at the study and publication of the gallo-roman collections and sites managed by the CRAN (UCL). The researcher will also enhance its reference collection for roman ceramics. Following those joint aims, she will link the experience of both the Museum and the University in matters of research (joint expertises), museography (museum’s resources), higher education (university’s resources) and dissemination (joint actions : meetings and publications).
RMAH and Laboratorium CRAN, Université Catholique de Louvain