Greece: worksheets
for 5th – 6th primary – 1st – 2nd secondary school
ATTENTION these materials are only available in French

Merovingians and the Middle Ages: worksheets
for 5th – 6st primary - 1st – 3d secondary school
ATTENTION these materials are only available in French

America: worksheets
for 1st – 6st secondary school
ATTENTION these materials are only available in French

EXPO Expedition Egypt: background information & ideas for in class
for 1st – 6st secondary school
complements the exhibition Expedition Egypt (31.03.23 - 01.10.23)

EXPO L’Art du contour I Schrijvers van contouren: background information and ideas for in class
for 1st – 6st secondary school
complements the exhibition L’Art du contour. Le dessin dans l’Égypte ancienne I Schrijvers van contouren. Tekenkunst in het Oude Egypte (13.09.13 – 19.01.14)
ATTENTION these materials are only available in Dutch or French

EXPO Bon appétit ! I Smakelijk !: recipes
for primary and secondary school
complements the exhibition Bon appétit ! Découvertes gastronomiques à travers les siècles I Smakelijk! Gastronomische ontdekkingen door de eeuwen heen (16.05.12 - 16.09.12)
ATTENTION these materials are only available in Dutch or French

EXPO Inca dress code: background information and worksheets
for 1st – 6st primary school
complements the exhibition INCA Dress Code (23.11.18 - 21.04.19)
ATTENTION these materials are only available in Dutch or French