We owe our knowledge of the Merovingians chiefly to finds from burial fields. This gallery holds and exhibits innumerable archaeological finds of this sort. The Merovingian dead were dressed in their finest apparel and buried with a number of their personal effects, generally weapons in the case of men and jewellery in the case of women. Sometimes, tools, earthenware and various miscellaneous items were placed in the graves with them.
Eight graves (partial reconstructions of the burial field of Harmignies, Belgium) indicate clearly how of such graves when they were uncovered; in most instances, the body, clothes and wooden coffin had mouldered away, but metal objects, glass and bone were still in evidence.

Daily Life
Two new models were created based on archaeological information: one represents a textile workshop, the other a house under construction. Information on the eating and drinking habits of the Merovingians is visually represented thanks to text sources. Special attention was paid to the artisanal activities of the Merovingians. Their craftsmanship is reflected in weapons, coat pins, guild fittings, jewellery, glasses, ceramics and objects made of bone.

Grzegorz Rosinski
The cartoonist Grzegorz Rosinski, creator of the famous Thorgal series, has made three large paintings in the gallery that bring Merovingian history to life.

Britt Claes