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La Conversion de saint Hubert de Liège

Glass in the spotlight

As part of the United Nations International Year of Glass, the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, in collaboration with the Art & History Museum (RMAH-KMKG) and the Glass Museum of Charleroi, is organising a two-day symposium on glass.

On 17 November, the Royal Museum of Art and History will host a lecture on glass collections in Belgium, followed by a visit to the antique glass gallery and the temporary exhibition Medallions. Miniatures on glass. In the afternoon, at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Géraldine Bussienne will show you the Glass and Ceramics Studio. Isabelle Lecocq will further present her research and activities on stained-glass windows, documentation and the photo library. Finally, Helena Wouters will explain her work in the Glass Lab and the Metal Lab.

On 18 November, a symposium will be held at the Bois du Cazier site in Marcinelle on the theme of Working with glass in Belgium.

Download the program here.

The activities are free but you need to register.
Registrations only by email to the address
You can register for both days or just one (please specify it in your email)