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Play like it's 1701!

The ancient Egyptians were fond of board games and the Romans liked dice, but it was not until the 17th and especially the 18th centuries that people began to play more and more party games. Cards, lotto and goose games became widespread, along with the rule books that accompanied them. Knucklebones and dice remained popular, and draughts came back into fashion. Feel like playing? Go to the museum, where you can borrow a games case from the welcome desk. Then sit down at a table in the elegant rooms filled with 18th-century European art and play as much and as long as you like!

Game trail in the 18th-century art rooms for families with children aged 4 to 10

In the case you will find an assortment of six board games that vary in difficulty. You choose which games you play, so how long your museum visit lasts.

The games:

  • Tarot. Card game for 3 or 4 players, 20 min, 8+
  • Lotto. Game of chance for 2 to 4 players, 10 min, 4+
  • Game of the goose. Strategy game for 2 to 4 players, 20 min, 4+
  • Knuckle bones. Skill game for 2 to 4 players, 10 min, 6+
  • Dice. Game of chance for 2 to 4 players, 10 min, 4+
  • Draughts. Strategy game for 2 players, 20 min, 6+

From Saturday 22.02.25 to Sunday 09.03.25

€ 0 (-18 years) / € 4 (accompanying adult)

There are 4 game cases available. It is not possible to reserve one.

In the context of Krokuskriebels 2025 ‘Play!’