Nocturne of the Brussels museums - 11.04.2024
On April 11th , brussels.museums launches its new nocturnes series! Museum Art and History will join in the kick-off on 11 April during the opening night with the Josef Hoffmann exhibition and will also close the series on 23 May 2024. Then, the Pavilion of human Passions will be on the program and an extra muros where Museum Art & History ♥ the War Heritage Museum will join forces for a tour of the collonade's mosaics.
VISIT THE EXHIBITION Josef Hoffmann. Sous le charme de la beauté
17:00 > 22:00
more info
-> 18:00 (FR) / 18:30 (NL) / 19:00 (EN) / 20:00 (FR) / 20:30 (NL) / 21:00 (EN) - duration 60 min
Meet architect, designer, scenographer and teacher Josef Hoffmann (1870-1956).
Stroll through 60 years of European history and discover how, in addition to being the builder of Palais Stoclet, the inspirer of the Wiener Werkstätte and key figure of Viennese modernism, as an artist he was above all imbued with an unconditional desire for beauty.
open ATELIER ouvert Raumkunst & Post from Vienna
→ continuous 17:00 tot 21:30 - max. 10 people at the same time
Inspired? Join the drop in workshop and get creative! Assemble your own pop-up interior design with paper and collage, or colour in a Wiener Werkstätte postcard (+16).
Buy tickets & book your activity ? -> here