Josef Hoffmann/Adolf Loos and Josef Frank. A Viennese Antagonism in Modern Architecture
The theoretical design positions of Josef Hoffmann and Adolf Loos seemed irreconcilable at their time. This contrast is due to a deeper artistic and cultural antagonism: Vienna around 1900 was the place of wonderful works of art: Klimt, Hofmannsthal, Richard Strauss- also Hoffmann. But in the same city and time there were Kokoschka, Karl Kraus, Schönberg, Wittgenstein, Freud - and Loos, who set out that art and culture was not as much about beauty as about truth.
This antagonism can even be followed up to recent Viennese architectural history in the counterposition of Hans Hollein versus arbeitsgruppe 4 and others. The latter -Johannes Spalt and Fritz Kurrent - have even pointed out that Josef Frank, half a generation younger than Hoffmann and Loos, was able to create a synthesis of their architectural positions.
Hermann Czech is architect in Vienna. He studied with Konrad Wachsmann and Ernst A. Plischke. Aside heterogeneous architectural work, he published numerous critical and theoretical publications on architecture. In his theory (”architecture is background”) the notions of conversion and mannerism play a significant role.
Practical information
Sunday 24.03 at 14:00
Attendance to the lecture is free. It takes place in the conference room of the A&H Museum. Register online via the registration button or on the day at the Museum A&H reception if there are still free places. Regular admission prices apply for visiting the museum or the exhibition.
The exhibition and public program are supported by Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts and Culture and Austrian Kultur Forum in Belgium.
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