Fly's small treasures: tactile summer trail for toddlers
Settle down in front of a tapestry and use the objects and games in the backpack to get to know the tapestries better. What are they made of? What is written on them? And do they feel hot or cold? Soft or rough?
What's in the backback? A sturdy cardboard booklet with search sheets and activities and five game bags, one for each chosen tapestry. You can tie wreaths and pretend you are at a wedding! Sort fruits! Make up your own stories in felt! Look through colourful lenses and above all: you get to discover everything for yourself by touching and feeling your way through tour.
Tactile discovery trail for families with toddlers aged 18 months to 2.5 years. The tour takes about 40min.
Included in a ticket: € 0, -18 years / € 4, students and teachers / € 8, +65 / € 10, adults
Ask for your backpack at reception.
As part of Schatten van Vieg 2023, an initiative by publiq